Monday, June 1, 2009

Learning French

Okay I know it sounds gay when the word "learning french" was read. I think this is a way for me to know the world even wider though.

I love learning languages, currently speaks chinese, english, cantonese and some other which aren't very popular (including indonesian). For me, language is the source of communication, for me to make friends, worldwide.

Actually I will be learning this french at CCF (Centre Culturel Francais) at Salemba but actually my first choice was spanish, but it was kinda far at Trisakti University. Go figure where. But I think, french is cool too. Why not?

So, who want to join? The class starts at 3rd August and the registration would be opened at 21 July, for the level (1a only I guess) would cost you 1.245 million IDR. Quick quick chop chop! Okay I'm sounding like Art. Bleh.

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