Tuesday, May 26, 2009

So Much for the Prom Committe

Recently I have been sent an email containg full description of what the Bali journey seemed to be, and the more I read the more I became happy since I didn't go there. So much people said that they have wasted the 2.8 million for nothing, and this came not just from the girls, but also the guys. I have interrogated some guys and they all agree that the committe was simply not professional.

I would like to comment (again, this is just my opinion, I will not receive any call from committe about this) about the prom night. I heard that they hired DJ for dance. for DANCE. And the result was just too astonishing, nobody would want to join the dance floor, only a few of guys that danced. According to what my mate said: "SMAK 2 anak-anaknya cuma bandel kandang". Then the king and queen, decided by who screamed the loudest. I also heard that some committe used their mic and screamed for their choice, is it just me or this is an obvious act where (s)he wanted her choice won?

I really don't get it. But hell, I wouldn't care so much. Haha... Just have fun with the last trip which is I believe is very memorable, but just not in a good way. =3

Class Story

Recently I was trusted to write the class story for my class, for the XIIS2 residents, feel free to comment. =)

Once upon a time in a land far, far away... Ups lupa ini bukan lomba Bahasa Inggris. Huahahaha.. Ceritanya pake Bahasa Indonesia ajah deh.

Di sebuah kerajaan di negeri antah-berantah, dikenallah sepasang raja dan ratu penguasa daerah tersebut yang telah memerintah kerajaan tersebut secara arif dan bijaksana selama lebih dari lima dekade. Mereka memerintah dengan sangat baik, yang menyebabkan rakyatnya hidup damai sejahtera, aman dan sentosa. Rakyatnya semua mencintai raja dan ratu mereka dan begitu juga sebaliknya.

Meskipun begitu, di balik segala kesempurnaan yang telah dicapai raja (Raja Billie) dan ratu (Ratu Marisca), ada satu hal yang sangat menganjal hati mereka. Kejadian ini terjadi kira-kira seminggu yang lalu, ketika Raja Billie dipanggil oleh ibunya, Permaisuri Paskalina. Permaisuri menyatakan kekhawatirannya tentang jodoh putra mahkota kerajaan yang mana sampai saat ini masih belum memiliki tambatan hati. Raja Billie dan Ratu Marisca sekarang sudah tidak muda lagi, sedangkan dari ketiga anak laki-lakinya, hanya sang putra mahkota lah, Hizkia, yang belum menikah. Anak kedua raja dan ratu, Rizal, telah menikah dengan putri kerajaan sebelah, Janice, dan telah dikaruniai tiga orang anak yaitu Ayu, Michelle dan Frenky. Anak bungsu raja dan ratu, Eric, telah menikah dengan saudara jauh sang ratu, Phiebi dan memiliki tiga orang anak pula yaitu Daniel, Tommy dan Yulia.

Setelah berpikir panjang, Raja Billie akhirnya memanggil anak kesayangannya dan bertujuan untuk mendesaknya untuk menikah. Raja mengutus dayang-dayangnya, Christine, Felecia, Eva dan David untuk memanggil sang pangeran karena sang pangeran terkenal moody dan hanya mau berjalan jika diantar oleh wanita-wanita cantik. “Ada apa ayahanda memanggil aku?” tanya Hizkia. Kemudian dengan lembutnya sang raja menepuk pundak pangeran dan berkata “Nak, ayah sudah tidak muda lagi. Sebelum ayah menyerahkan tahta kerajaan kepadamu, ayah inign melihat kamu sudah memiliki pendamping hidup. Sekarang, beritahu ayah, apakah kamu sedang menyukai seorang wanita?”. Hizkia terlihat termenung sebentar “Iya ayah. Aku menyukai Putri Alice dari neeri seberang.” Senyum sang raja pun merekah, dan ia berjanji pada anaknya bahwa ia akan mendukung upaya perebutan hati sang putri tersebut oleh anaknya.

Keesokan harinya, tak disangka-sangka ternyata datanglah undangan sayembara adri negeri seberang bahwa Raja Richie dan Ratu Helen sedang mencari jodoh untuk putri tunggalnya. Raja Billie melihat kesempatan itu sebagai sebuah pertanda dari dewa, maka ia segera memberitahu anaknya yang menanggapi berita tersebut dengan antusias.

Setelah melewati babak penyisihan yang super ketat, akhirnya terpilihlah tiga finalis yang akan berjuang untuk merebut hati Putri Alice yaitu Philip, pangeran dari Timur Tengah, Aldwin, penguasa daratan Asia dan Hizkia. Hizkia tanpa mebuang-buang waktu segera melancarkan jurus seribu puisi cinta yang disertakan dengan gambar rupa sang putri yang digambarkan oleh pelukis kerajaan terkenal, Yessica. Putri Alice sejenak tampak terpaku dengan hadiah Hizkia, namun segera dialihkan oleh Philip yang memberikan patung Putri Alice yang terbuat dari emas. Hizkia yang tidak mau kalah pun segera melancarkan serangan balasan berupa satu juta butir lipatan bintang yang dibuat oleh ahli kerajinan tangan dan kesenian kerajaan, Cindy. Alwin yang tertinggal selangkah lalu langsung mengejarnya dengan memberikan ginseng berumur ribuan tahun kepada Putri Alice, yang gemar dengan kegiatan botani. Hizkia lalu menyuruh penyihir tersohor dari Gunung Kawi, Kartika untuk membuatkannya ramuan cinta, namun sayang upaya tersebut digagalkan oleh Philip.

Demi menciptakan suasana kompetisi yang sportif, akhirnya Raja Richie dan Ratu Helen mengadakan pertanding gulat dengan juara gulat kerajaan: Felicia. Bagi siapa yang dapat mengalahkannya, maka dialah yang berhak menikahi Putri Alice. Felicia adalah pegulat yang tangguh. Dengan sekali serudukan saja Philip dan Aldwin langsung pingsan, namun tidak dengan Hizkia, yang sudah menggeluti bidang gulat sejak usia dini. Felicia pun akhirnya kalah.

Dengan Hizkia memenangkan pertarungan tersebut, maka yang berhak menikahi Putri Alice adalah Pangeran Hizkia. Acara pernikahan pun berlangsung dengan meriah selama tujuh puluh hari dan tujuh puluh malam, dimeriahkan pula dengan grup penari perut terkenal dari Timur Tengah, Marselina, dan juga performance dari daratan Asia oleh Jean, Carissa, Inez dan Heidi.

Sejak saat itu, kedua kerajaan tersebut pun bersatu, and they lived happily ever after...

Friday, May 22, 2009

So Much for the Prom

Monday, May 18th, my grade went to Bali for the last "together recreation" and also prom, but I don't think that all that went well. I recently read a blog, one of my friend's. She said the committee wasn't very professional and not strict to what happened to be their own-made-regulations.

I see this has been a problem many times since I'm in a committe containing people of my grade. They don't know what to do and they have no idea what should a committe do. Like years ago where we were working for orientation week for freshmen, some of the girls just too lazy to come early to school to have a meeting, and some even didn't show up and some are unforgivably didn't give reason, didn't call and the worst, didn't want to come because they have "family gathering" over some posh places or abroad but they still want to be known as a "COMMITTE" just because they have written some draft about some schedule that's useless, in fact.

What made me really pissed off this time is that after 3 years of together, where we should've known each other's characteristics, I just can't believe that someones like them would be the committe after all. They're lazy, egoistic and yet they just want to be committes because of the advantages it's given: to rearrange schedules all they want, to come back even later than anybody else, and to have privilege to access certain information.

I mean, this is the last, there won't be a next time after this, and even though some of us didn't go as well, I can see why they didn't. I have foreseen that stuff like this would happen, given the committe are like that, but hell, it's over and there's nothing I can do to change it, right? So just introspect yourself.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness

This one is more insane because I have spent like about 500 hours to play it and raise my characters' level to level 6,000! Level 6,000 is practically invincible but the maximum level you can get is 9,999 so I'm aiming fot it.

However, this story also has main storyline and also an additional storyline which you can unlock by pressing a series of button combination at the start menu.

The main reason that I am so addicted to this game is that this game has so much inventories to be collected, searched and upgraded. It is so challenging but annoying sometimes.

This game worth 8 of 10 stars!

Prinny: Can I Really Be The Hero?

After spending a couple hundred hours to play this insanely hard game, I finally decided to write something about it.

I copied this game from my friend and he couldn't stand to play this game for so long like I do, but I actually liked it. The game is using the traditional 2D characted and then blend it into the 3D environment, but still stick onto the old fashioned-Mario style game analogue.

Prinny is so very hard even in normal mode. You are given 3 chances to get hit then you die. In hard mode (hell's finest mode) you will be dead as soon as an enemy strikes you! For 10 normal story stages, you are given 1,000 lifes to spend and beat the game. I have to spend more than 10,000 lifes before I finally beat the game. So lame, I know. However, when you beat the game, you still can play it because there are so many secrets that are waiting to be found, awards waiting to be unlocked and of course like any other NIS games, there is an alternative storyline unlocked by colleting torn letters.

I see this game as a tough challenge for an RPG fan, but then again if you don't have enough patience, you might end up throwing your PSP against the wall because you just can't get through certain phase of the stage. XD

I give this game 8 of 10 stars!

Deception Point

Yesterday I just finished reading this last book of Dan Brown that I haven't read. As usual, Dan brought mysteries and thriller with intrigue all blended in one book.

I should say I was a bit disappointed with this book because the story is not as exciting and as mind blowing like Da Vinci Code, Angels and Demons or even Digital Fortress. The story's main mystery: Solving the meteorit that was found beneath north pole is not so great. The trick to manipulate the meteorit and the theory are not convincing. The ending also not so awesome, too usual, really a disappoinment for a writer at Dan's class.

However, it was well written and it gave me some knowledge that I never know before, and I think Dan's fans should read it. It was worthed it.

I give 6 of 10 stars.

My Bloody Valentine

My Bloody Valentine, I watched it 3D at Blitz Megaplex at Mall of Indonesia, with the so much expensive ticket fee, I thought the movie and the experienced I'll get are worth it. And now I doubt it.

The story begins where a small town was terrorized by the serial killer Harry Warden. He then confirmed dead after the attacks at the Hanniger's mine. A decade later Tom (Jensen Ackles) came back from nowhere to sell the mine. Then the murders returns.

I should say the ending is a bit surprising so it is not a bad movie at all, but the typical 3D story element (camera-hitting orientation) sometimes became so annoying.

I give 7 out of 10 stars!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles

One of the masterpiece that CLAMP has made. By blending every character that they have made in their previous stories, they write a new story with similar even the same name or personality with the original series.

The story is about the journey of a young man to retrieve the lost wing feathers of the beloved princess that he loved.

And the most interesting part, thiis story is made to connect stimulously with its other story: XXXHolic.

I give 9 of 10 stars!

Angels and Demons

After waiting for so long since The Da Vinci Code, the newest religious thriller Angels and Demons is finally released today in Indonesia! Still using Tom Hanks as Robert Langdon, the story takes place way before the time setting of The Da Vinci Code. And of course the story is not as controversial as The Da Vinci Code, except the same thrilling sensation dan will not let you look at the other way!

I've read the book and very disappointed to know that the producer made some changes especially the name for the camerlengo Carlo Ventresca, which is alright European name, and it's changed into camerlengo Patrick McKenna which is so American! And still, I don't like Tom Hanks to be Robert. He is not the way I imagined Robert. Robert is more like Harrison Ford than Tom.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to see the movie though. X3

Thursday, May 14, 2009

3 Years of Together

As I said earlier in my post, today is the first officially for us seniors in SMAK 2 to be released from "duty" as in studying, waking up early, dressing neatly...

It is kinda sad to know that my friends that have been there with me will go away, will separate and walk their own way. In university life that is obviously more individualistic and cold and dangerous (exaggerating), will I find friends that will be just like the way I wanted, that we can have fun with each other and care for each other.

Will there be?

The special moments that I will never remember as the weekly gathering of Soyamilk, even one of us was casted away to some abal school, but still we are one. Even though Helen is going to Malaysia, and Kentvin to Singapore and the rest of the gank are separated in their own colleges, I believe we will always remember each other.

And when I was at my sophomore year, I used to bully Arlene, which is one of my best friends. I will always remember her even we will be far away from each other. Thank you for Jean that always has the most complete notes of all subjects, Carissa for supporting me in every competition and a good Mandarin partner, Dodo that always teach me Math, Frenky for Accounting, Maru for gaming and paskib, all my fellow mates in paskibra SMAK 2 that have been through a lot together during training, Melvi for good accompany in the freshmen year, April for good support via internet and everybody else that I can't describe them one by one. Thank you all. Good luck to you all!


This movie is awesome. Some say not though. The story is somehow sarcastic yet vulgar. The vulgar parts were spreaded in various scenes like at the TV that The Comedian was watching, or the scenes where Silk Spectre II and Nite Owl II had slept with each other or the TVs that Adrian Veidt was watching bla bla.

However, the story itself has given the unusual ending for where the seemed like the bad guy one didn't get punished yet the superpower one punish no one, and the death of one of the "rightest" guy in the movie... It is really really awesome movie. I will give my two thumbs up for Zack Snyder who has made once again, a good movie.

And the dedication of Patrick Wilson that willing to add weight and buffing his body so he doesn't have to use "buffer" to make his body looks buffy in Nite Owl suit.

I give 8 stars of 10!

Race to the Witch Mountain

Recently I've watched Race to the Witch Mountain with one of my mate, and it turned out just fine. I personally think this movie is just a little bit below the Disney's standard, because the movie is very much obvious low-budgeted. It can be seen from where the movie has taken place, indoor mostly.

However the acting of Dwayne Johnson is okay, and the extremely gorgeous Anna Sophia Robb and Alexander Ludwig just right to help this movie, because the storyline is very much standard and common. About alien, which recently a LOT of such topic has been filmed.

Overall, I give 7 of 10 stars. XD

Comment Support

Yeah I was kinda confused earlier regarding how hard I tried to make my blog comment-able but finally is can be coomented! So again, keep reading and commenting!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

The Newest Template!

Yeah setelah sekian lama, after a long long day, I finally edited my blog to support comment, even though there's still no background images, but I'm working on it.

Keep reading and commenting!

Friday, May 8, 2009

New Template!

Enjoy my new template! Bagian bawah na bisa di klik, tapi sayang ga bisa drop komen. Ntar mau cari lagi yang lebih oke deh. XD

Menunggu Waktu

Duh hari ini adalah hari yang penuh dengan penungguan, dimana aku menunggu kedatangan coach dance aku yangsangat amat ngaret. Nanti jam 10 juga mau pergi lagi. Siang baru kembali ke sekolah...

Tadi baru aja main game Word Challenge, Who's Got The Biggest Brain sama Geo Challenge. Susa deh buad dapetin jadi yang apling top rank. Dan schock na, volume otak aku tadi 2000an, dan world high score na 6000+! OMG apa mereka jenius?

MI Cash Hack

Waduuu... Ternyata udah ada hack MI-Cash loh di forum tetangga. Gawad". Hahahaha~

Konser Sekolah

Hari ini sekolah buad anak kelas XII libur, jadi aku punya banyak waktu buat santai dan merenung. Hahaha... Ga deh sebenernya santai aja ga merenung.

Hari ini ada konser kecil di sekolah gitu, mulai acara jam 6 sore, dan diperkirakan akan berlangsung selama 1 jam. Yah bete n ga dapet apa" sih tapi lumayan lah isi acara itung" amal. Hehehe...

Yang agak mencengangkan, ternyata boka n nyokap mau ikutan nonton, which is very surprising. Dan aku ga akan pulang deh ampe malem. Ini aja lagi di sekolah. Huahahaha~

Yah however, semoga acara na success deh, klo ga success pun, semoga dance na sukses! Yeah!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Perihal Perekrutan GM Audition

Wah ternyata setelah dikonfirmasi di blog sebelah ternyata sebenarnya perekrutan itu tidak pernah ada dan DJ yang asli hanya lah yang terdaftar di forum. Sedangkan club berinisial MC itu hanya inisiatif player biasa ajah, yah kayak Laskar Dumbledore (Dumbledore's Army) gitu aja. Jadi udah bisa lega sedikit lah, minimal jangan ketangkep SS. XD

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Hari-Hari Terakhir Sekolah

Huaa... Di hari" terakhir sekolah, dimana UN udah berhasil dilewati dan begitu juga dengan ujian praktek, semua udah drop semangat belajar na. Jujur aku juga udah luntur semangat belajar na karena yah udah tinggal few days away from US.

Seperti pada contoh na hari ini banyak banget yang ga masuk, mpe ditelponin gitu. Hahaha... Jujur yah sebener na cape juga sekolah kayak gini, tapi di sisi laen aku tau ini tuh saat" terakhir di SMA. Harus dinikmati!

Kalo soal belajar yang makin drop, ntar kuliah gimana bisa maintain semangat di kelas yah? Apalagi kuliah di depan komputer gitu. XD

Anyway, just wanna speak out for awhile. See ya'll!

Audition Rawan Cheat?!

Wah gawat diliat dari blog tetangga kata na tuh Audition mengadakan rapat internasional yang isi na tuh mengatakan diangkat na sejumlah Game Master dan Sub-Game Master yang akan rajin berpatroli di server" untuk mencari dan mambasmi cheater. Nah kita yang nge-cheat harus hati", bisa dimulai dari ganti nick dan jangan cheat lagi, terlebih yang udah level gede. Bahaya!

Trus FYI, mereka (Audition Indonesia) para pembasmi cheater na menggunakan nick yang berawalan "MC", a.k.a Megaxus Community. Hati" guys! Tetep pantau di forum!

My Birthday

Waduu.. Setelah sekian lama ga buka blog, karena sibuk UN dan ujian praktek gitu. Hehe...

Kemaren pada tanggal 4 Mei ituh adalah hari ulang tahun aku ke-20. Agak sedih sih karena udah berkepala dua dan udah harus memikul tanggung jawab baru sebagai seorang individu dewasa, dimana di saat-saat liburan udah ga bisa santai di rumah melainkan mencari part-time job. Huhuhuhu~

Maka dari itu aku berharap semoga di umur yang baru ini aku bisa menjadi individu yang lebih wise, bijaksana dan tentu aja tetep oke!

Aku juga mau mengucapkan thanks buad Wiwi yang pertama kali ngucapin happy birthday, yang lalu disambung dengan Nandu, Juu, Jean, Didu, Fele, Felynne, Bram, Ndu, ci Lisa, Rendy, Cath, Asep, Bryan yang udah malem" ngucapin. Hehehe... Dan ga lupa dengan total" 85 orang yang ngucapin. Thank you alL!

O ia special thanks buad Arlene yang udah dengan sweet na ngasi hadiah ultah yang unpredictable, sama Didu yang juga sweet. Haha... I'm gonna miss you all...