Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Final Exam is Coming!

Final exam is coming! I know some of us have already went through it and some of us haven't. But come to think of it, my campus is known as the latest there is to give it student5's final exam.

Okay for the first day the exam would be for Graphic Computer subject. It is not a test in a class, but more like to collect what we have been assigned since two weeks ago. The exam is about making a 3D character, 80% of it should be base on a shape of cube. So if you guys have been following my activity for the past month you should've realized that this project and the kobico is very much alike.

Secondly, it's History of Western Art, which is a theory subject, not much to say but I only know a few of it.

Third day, Nirmana Datar, a class assignment, we are supposed to bring scissors, cutters, mat, origami papers and such. You can think of art class when you back in elementary school, it's pretty much like that.

Fourth, Colour Theory on Corporate Colour subject, we are supposed to think of a restaurant/clothing line and make stuffs from it. I chose restaurant and I have to make (and design) the place mat, paper bag, coaster, and also standing menu along with the colour swatches. And it has to be done using poster paint! Gosh.

Fifth is Drawing, my lecturer said that it's gonna be about environment, human structure and gradation and such. Hope it's not too hard. =(

Sixth is gonna be Character Building, the subject where most of my classmates fail. Me too, by the way. It is hard and my lecturer wants us to answer with theoretical basis along with examples. Gonna look for newspaper these few days.

The last but the least (you heard me), is English. Not much to talk, based on TOEFL.

Okay, that's my post for now. See ya! =)

Friday, January 8, 2010

Happy New Year!

Okay I know this post is soo late, people have come back from their holidays, and I just posted a happy-new-year greeting. Well, I guess it's late than never right? =)

Stepping in the year of 2010, I believe most of us had a very common (if not boring) new year's eve. I felt it too, and I don't know why, the beginning of the year have already felt so not right. I know people have to be optimistic from times to times, but we can't help to felt a wee bit pessimistic every now and then, eh?

Speaking of what language I'm writing this blog, I think I should consider to update my blog with more recent posts. I mean, I feel like my English is getting worse and not used in my campus so I think the better way to "preserve" my skill and to keep my brain sharp is to write this blog more often and with more variety of contents (you know I usually wrote reviews). =D

Okay, back to the topic where we were talking about new year, we all know that tradition teaches us to make a resolution every year. Well, guess what, I don't have any. Haha... Yeah not funny. I just don't know what to hope for, my world is spinning out of control, it can be good at times, but can also turn miserably just in a snap *snap!*. I don't want to hope for something that'll turn me down later, so I guess I'm just hoping that I can join a community where I can get lotta friends. Current obssesion of joining community: dance team, church choir, or get a permanent job. =3

And FYI I am also improving my Chinese again! Yesterday I was browsing around the library and I found this textbook. My skill is beyond that textbook actually, but I think it's good to at least take a peek and read the book again, so if there's anything, any characters, any grammatical rules I forgot, I can remember again.

Hmm... My friends in campus have gotten a wee bit better since last time I complained, we have been more "unitized" than before. Still, I still think some of them aren't very friendly to me.

Love life expectation: zeroo! There's so much thing I want to experience before settle down in a relationship. I'm only a young adult and u want me to settle down? There's just no way! If you've seen things as much as I have, u would know that being in a relationship is comfortable, where u can find love and embraces, but also would be your source of stresses, anger and hatred, sometimes. I try not to have any romantic entanglement this year as I am figuring out what I really want from this world and how to achieve it.

Final words, I am really really glad that I updated this blog. Even though I didn't post any at December that's mainly because the holiday season and also I have a very large amount of homeworks (projects). Like right now, I have been assigned to trace 3 pictures and I did 2, but still rough trace and I haven't touched it up yet. And there are a lot of others that I don't even wanna talk about.

Okay, see ya next time and I'll consider to post my artworks (only the good ones)! =P