Monday, February 22, 2010


As so many people have been waiting and dying to watch this so-called James Cameron's highest budget movie, I finally went to the cinema and watch this blue avatar creature that I previously mocked as a disgusting-ugly creatures. And you know what? I was stunned. The animation was just too beautiful and it fit perfectly with the real environment. Even though I found some errors in the animation, but it was barely noticable. =)

The story itself is about an ex-marine named Jake Sully (Sam Worthington) whose gone limp from waist below who were willing to join in avatar program which was designed to learn the way of Na'vi creature (original creature who lived in the planet named Pandora) live. Humans are interested to mine a rare mineral called unobtanium which sells 20 million dollars per kilo. Jake was sent to do research and "undercover" as Na'vi people and soon fell in love to live as an avatar. He then later betrayed his own kind to help Na'vi people defend their homeland.

I won't talk much about the story because it is better watch than told, and also this movie is kinda long, about 3 hours but not boring at all. Even an action-genre hater like me enjoyed the battle. =)

The movie is very much epic, and moving. I give it 9 of 10 stars.

P.S. The deity Na'vi people have is called Eywa, but somehow when pronounced continuosly, it is heard as "Elohim", which means God.

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