Monday, May 18, 2009

Prinny: Can I Really Be The Hero?

After spending a couple hundred hours to play this insanely hard game, I finally decided to write something about it.

I copied this game from my friend and he couldn't stand to play this game for so long like I do, but I actually liked it. The game is using the traditional 2D characted and then blend it into the 3D environment, but still stick onto the old fashioned-Mario style game analogue.

Prinny is so very hard even in normal mode. You are given 3 chances to get hit then you die. In hard mode (hell's finest mode) you will be dead as soon as an enemy strikes you! For 10 normal story stages, you are given 1,000 lifes to spend and beat the game. I have to spend more than 10,000 lifes before I finally beat the game. So lame, I know. However, when you beat the game, you still can play it because there are so many secrets that are waiting to be found, awards waiting to be unlocked and of course like any other NIS games, there is an alternative storyline unlocked by colleting torn letters.

I see this game as a tough challenge for an RPG fan, but then again if you don't have enough patience, you might end up throwing your PSP against the wall because you just can't get through certain phase of the stage. XD

I give this game 8 of 10 stars!

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