Thursday, May 14, 2009

3 Years of Together

As I said earlier in my post, today is the first officially for us seniors in SMAK 2 to be released from "duty" as in studying, waking up early, dressing neatly...

It is kinda sad to know that my friends that have been there with me will go away, will separate and walk their own way. In university life that is obviously more individualistic and cold and dangerous (exaggerating), will I find friends that will be just like the way I wanted, that we can have fun with each other and care for each other.

Will there be?

The special moments that I will never remember as the weekly gathering of Soyamilk, even one of us was casted away to some abal school, but still we are one. Even though Helen is going to Malaysia, and Kentvin to Singapore and the rest of the gank are separated in their own colleges, I believe we will always remember each other.

And when I was at my sophomore year, I used to bully Arlene, which is one of my best friends. I will always remember her even we will be far away from each other. Thank you for Jean that always has the most complete notes of all subjects, Carissa for supporting me in every competition and a good Mandarin partner, Dodo that always teach me Math, Frenky for Accounting, Maru for gaming and paskib, all my fellow mates in paskibra SMAK 2 that have been through a lot together during training, Melvi for good accompany in the freshmen year, April for good support via internet and everybody else that I can't describe them one by one. Thank you all. Good luck to you all!


miss artificial sweetener said...

hemm bully apa?
blog gue commentable skrg

The Black Cat said...

Ia udah g comment koq.

Ia dulu kan qta suka bully u ama Asep. Masa lupa yang g colek" n koleksi foto jelek u. (yg kdua masih berlangsung)