Tuesday, May 26, 2009

So Much for the Prom Committe

Recently I have been sent an email containg full description of what the Bali journey seemed to be, and the more I read the more I became happy since I didn't go there. So much people said that they have wasted the 2.8 million for nothing, and this came not just from the girls, but also the guys. I have interrogated some guys and they all agree that the committe was simply not professional.

I would like to comment (again, this is just my opinion, I will not receive any call from committe about this) about the prom night. I heard that they hired DJ for dance. for DANCE. And the result was just too astonishing, nobody would want to join the dance floor, only a few of guys that danced. According to what my mate said: "SMAK 2 anak-anaknya cuma bandel kandang". Then the king and queen, decided by who screamed the loudest. I also heard that some committe used their mic and screamed for their choice, is it just me or this is an obvious act where (s)he wanted her choice won?

I really don't get it. But hell, I wouldn't care so much. Haha... Just have fun with the last trip which is I believe is very memorable, but just not in a good way. =3


fj said...

U know what?
They called me!

Yes,they called me.

They asked me a lot juz like I was the 'villain'.

(*bhs indo on,wkwk...)

Mreka gag trima atas apa yg opini gw.
Mreka nanya ini itu bla bla.
Skali lgi,trlihatlah gw yg jdi org jahatny.

Blog gw skrg jdi uda gag pure dgn kata2 original gw.
Uda kesensor gr2 disuru prbaikin ini itu!

Knapa blog gw jdi 'popular' scara negatif gini?

Mreka nelponin lo chie?
Jgn skali2 lo ganti post2 lo.
Nnti ud 'kekontaminasi' kyk puny gw.
Bisa2 gw buat yg baru nih n cmn bbrp org aja yg tw.



sebastiantjsie said...

ya ampun kayaknya bali heboh banget ye hehehe

fj said...

May I have a look at the email richie?
Pliz forward it to my email

Thx a lottt!